Enjoy this comfortable vacation apartment in one of the most beautiful villages in Galicia.
Make yourself at home here and enjoy not only the charming furnishings, but also a great view of the port of Pobra do Caraminal. The light-flooded rooms, which invite you to linger, relax and unwind with their comfort, let you set off on your excursions in a relaxed manner.
The location is ideal, as all amenities are close by. A few meters separate you from the harbor and a few meters further from the beach, where you can swim and dive in the deep blue sea of the fjord. You can also take a boat trip from the harbor and explore the bay, the island and the exciting coastline. A trip to the Dunas de Corrubedo Nature Park is also particularly exciting, where you can walk through the shifting sand dunes, swim on the beach or go bird watching.
Make yourself at home here and enjoy not only the charming furnishings, but also a great view of the port of Pobra do Caraminal. The light-flooded rooms, which invite you to linger, relax and unwind with their comfort, let you set off on your excursions in a relaxed manner.
The location is ideal, as all amenities are close by. A few meters separate you from the harbor and a few meters further from the beach, where you can swim and dive in the deep blue sea of the fjord. You can also take a boat trip from the harbor and explore the bay, the island and the exciting coastline. A trip to the Dunas de Corrubedo Nature Park is also particularly exciting, where you can walk through the shifting sand dunes, swim on the beach or go bird watching.